It was interesting to watch the carbine match last week. This was my first one and, of course, I was nervous and not too sure about anything. My strategy was to go for accuracy and not speed, understand the courses of fire and remember to take the damn safety off (guns fire better that way!).
After every stage, I rushed out to see as many of the targets as I could before the tape went on. I wanted to see where I was hitting. The gun is new enough, that we are still getting to know each other. Afterward, I haunted anyone who would give advice to learn what I was doing wrong, what they would suggest and how they were going to take the shots.
I was watching some of the men and when they finished they had a million excuses why they didn't hit a target and seemed annoyed if anyone made a suggestion.
You learn better if you listen.

There was one exception where I was not wrong. I lost my concentration shooting through a window and had to re-position my AK and mistakenly shot a non-threat target with a police badge. It was clear to me that that was an evil policeman and I should have been rewarded, not given extra points! Humph!
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