The last couple weeks I have been working at Larry Massey's Shooting Range. I actually hung around so much, started cleaning up on the range after shooting, helped some folks, pitched in when they were busy and now everyone thinks I work there. It is more like an internship with benefits.
As customers come in and I go out and help them on the range, it is becoming very clear that before any women chooses a partner, she needs to take him on a range date. This is where you see the real person come out. Men can behave like the perfect man anyplace but the range.
OK, here is the Number One Clue he is the wrong person. Guns are like wine; you love what you like. No matter where I go or who I talk to the gun that the person has is the best in the none. If someone buys you a gun, they are buying what they like. You have to find your own gun. Before you buy, try lots of guns. You decide; not him.
Number Two Clue. You have to learn to shoot by yourself. If he does everything for you it is because he wants to shoot; he doesn't want you to shoot. You can read a mountain of books and take lots of advice, but learning how to shoot is like life. It is up to you. You have to do it and practice. You have to make mistakes and learn by them. If he does it, he learns. If you do it, you learn.
Number Three Clue. If he doesn't tell you to get your finger off the trigger, he doesn't know what he is doing. He should be able to tell you all the safety rules first. Picking up a gun and shooting is easy. Picking up a gun and being safe is not.
Number Four Clue. If he is overbearing and treats you like a five year old rather then letting you alone to work with the gun he is out of line. Leaning is by doing with guns. You need to futz with getting the mag in, clearing a jam, and cocking the gun. It takes time.
If he doesn't pass these tests, while you are at the range, look around for a great guy who loves the sport, is knowledgeable, and his ego is in check. The big sign he is the right one is that he treats you like an equal
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