The owners of these businesses are members of your church, support school safety programs, create programs for children on firearm safety, support local baseball teams and educate the community.
Without ammunition gun ranges cannot stay in business. Gun ranges are the new bowling alley for families. They come out with mom, dad, grandma and all the kids to spend time together. The kids learn firearm safety, how to handle a firearm and become part of the sports community as they grow older. Ranges focus on safety and educating everyone how to use firearms. Ranges have Range Safety Officers who observe and work with shooters on safety and techniques.
Most ranges have youth programs for Boy Scouts, 4H, church groups and other youth organizations. Many ranges provide those programs free of charge.
Without ammunition local gun and national clubs cannot host competitions and other activities for their members. Competitive shooting is a national sport that promotes gun safety and proper use of firearms. These organizations give youth and adults an outlet for sports. The fastest growing population of these sports are women. Below are just some of the types of shooting:
- CAS - Cowboy Action Shooting (Generally under the SASS -Single Action Shooters Society listing).
- IDPA - International Defensive Pistol Association
- United States Practical Shooting Association
- NSSA - National Skeet Shooting Association
Without ammunition people who teach firearm safety and other courses cannot teach classes. For these programs participants need ammunition to show proficiency. All of these classes are skills based and students learn by doing. This is not good if the places people learn gun safety and skills are not able to teach classes, but people are still buying firearms.
If you are someone else you know is hording, contact your local firearms shops, ranges and clubs and learn what you are doing to cripple the one industry you are trying to protect.
Totally have mixed feelings about ammo hoarders. People that are terrified by current politics I understand. People hoarding for resale at a premium profit should be hung.