Thursday, April 19, 2012

The NRA Just Shot Themselves in Their Foot

The anti-women, conservative agenda is not working so well for the NRA.  Looks as if it doesn't have to worry about a "left wing" agenda to bring them down.  The NRA is on a fast track to take itself down.  

I do not want the NRA to make political decision for me. I don't want to be embarrassed that people would think that NRA political agenda is mine.  I want them to do what they are suppose to do, advocate for second amendment rights and promote gun safety.

Now we have some critical discussions, the Zimmerman/Neighborhood Watch/concealed carry case, goes wild bringing gun laws into a court of media lawyers. Florida, one of the states with the most easy to get concealed carry laws is now going to review their laws and every state is getting pressure to review gun laws.    

Meanwhile, the NRA, our hero agency to advocate for second amendment rights, is hobbling around on one foot, cleverly alienating both presidential candidates.  Great shot.

And, this alienation is not on gun legislation, but on its alternative agenda of conservative issues that have nothing to do with the second amendment or gun safety.  Over the years, the NRA has become more and more political, openly funding ALEC and ILA for a conservative agenda, overstepping its mission by a long shot.  It is also flirting with disaster threatening its 501C3 license as a non profit organization by becoming politically active.  

This is the NRA Foundation's mission statement:

Established in 1990, the NRA Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization that raises tax-deductible contributions in support of a wide range of firearms-related public interest activities of the National Rifle Association of America and other organizations that defend and foster the Second Amendment rights of all law-abiding Americans.  These activities are designed to promote firearms and hunting safety, to enhance marksmanship skills of those participating in the shooting sports, and to educate the general public about firearms in their historic, technological and artistic context.

I am going to send them a copy of their mission statement.  They may want to read it.

The editorial opinion is mine and not the opinion of Metal X Works.

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